Red Hat File System:13 Directories

The Red hat/Linux file system contains following 13 directories. This 13 directories are the core of Red hat/Linux Operating system.

1. bin
Stores program files of both applications and operating system.

2. boot
It stores boot loader files, packages, and directories.

3. dev
It contains all devices and information files and folders.

4. etc
Configuration files of all applications and services

5. home
Contains all local users home folder.

6. lib
All applications architecture and data saving in lib and lib 64 folder. If the application is in 32 bit, it is saved into lib and it converted to 64 bit and stored in lib 64 folder.(It depend upon the operating systems used.)

7. sbin
 Local user running commands stores here.

8. media
Default mount point for all external devices.

9. mnt
Manual mount pointer.

10. root
Administrator or roots home folder

11. misc
Programs that are created by the users stored here.

12. var
OS determining file sharing folder

13. usr
It contains script file path of all executing commands.

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